How to Make Sea Moss Gel

How to make smooth and odorless Sea Moss Gel that tastes good straight up or can be added to your favorite smoothies, shakes, yogurts, teas, coffees, juices, soups, sauces, gravies, baking goods and much more!!!


1 oz/handful of Nature My Health Raw & Dry Sea Moss [Gold | Purple | Full Spectrum]
4+ cups of Water (High PH Alkaline recommended)
3 Key Limes (or 2 regular limes) [optional]
4-6 tbsp Blue Agave sweetener (or use any other natural sweetener to taste) [optional]

Step 1 - Wash & Soak Sea Moss

Rinse the Sea Moss well by placing it under running water while gently running the fingers through it.

Placed the rinsed Sea Moss into a container, such as a bowl, and add enough water to completely cover it.

Thoroughly clean the Sea Moss by gently running the fingers through it while submerging it in the water.

Pour out the water and pour 2.5 cups of water in the bowl along with the juice of 1 lime. Soak the Sea Moss for at least 4 hours (or up to 24hrs) to allow it to reconstitute to its natural form and texture. The lime juice will help to neutralize the Sea Moss taste.

Step 2 - Blend Sea Moss

Pour out the soaked water. Thoroughly rinse the Sea Moss and place it in a blender. Add the remaining 1.5+ cup of water (should be same height as the Sea Moss), the juice of the remaining lime(s) (to further neutralize the taste), and the Blue Agave (if available). Cover and blend the Sea Moss until it turns into a gel that has a consistently smooth texture (usually takes about 1-1.5 minutes depending on the blender).

Pour the blended Sea Moss into a jar (glass is recommended). If you plan to consume it immediately or real soon, keep the jar into the refrigerator and use within 3-4 weeks; however, if you don’t plan to use it right away then place the jar in a freezer and store up to 6 months. Thaw out frozen Sea Moss in the refrigerator prior to use.